

Chickpea Burgers in portobello buns


Elk. idő: 35
Adag: 2
Nehézség: Könnyű


2 x 250g packs portobello mushrooms
4 tbsp olive oil
1 x 400g tin chickpeas
2 tbsp tahini
1 tbsp gram flour (or plain flour)
1 x 31g pack coriander, chopped
juice of 1⁄2 lemon
1⁄4 tsp ground cumin
1⁄4 tsp ground coriander
1⁄4 tsp paprika


1.Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas 4. Remove the stalks from the mushrooms and put them in a roasting dish, cap-side down. Rub 1 tablespoon olive oil and some seasoning over the mushrooms and roast in the oven for 20 minutes.

2.Meanwhile, drain and rinse the chickpeas and put in a bowl. Mash with a fork then add the tahini, flour, chopped coriander, lemon juice, ground cumin, ground coriander, paprika and seasoning. Mix it together; form into 2 patties. Heat the rest of the oil in a nonstick frying pan and cook for 6-10 minutes, turning halfway.

3.Once the burgers are cooked, drain on kitchen paper. Take the mushrooms out of the oven and drain off the liquid. Sit a mushroom on each plate then layer with a lettuce leaf, some sliced avocado, a burger, 2 slices of tomato and a ring of red onion, if using. Sit the second mushroom on top of the burger, and serve with the raita, if using.

Trükkök, tippek, praktikák:

To serve
Little Gem lettuce
1⁄2 avocado, sliced
1 small tomato, sliced
a few slices of red onion, optional
1 x 150g tub coriander and mint raita, optional

Chickpea Burgers in portobello buns

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