3 large zucchini
4 cups baby spinach
1 tsp olive oil
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp dried basil
1 container light ricotta (475 grams)
1/2 cup tomato sauce of choice*
salt and pepper, to taste
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Using a peeler, peel zucchini into strips. Discard ones that are too thin.
In a large pan, add spinach and top with olive oil. Cook on medium-high heat until wilted.
Add in garlic and saute for one more minute.
Stir in dried basil.
Take two piece of zucchini and place one on top of the other to create a "T".
Add 1 tablespoon of ricotta to the center of the "T" and top with 1 teaspoon of spinach.
Take one side of the bottom strip and fold over center. Take the other side of the bottom strip and fold over the other piece covering the center.
Take one side of the top piece and fold over the center (tucking in if possible) and then fold the other side of the top piece and fold it over the other side covering the center (tucking in if possible).
Repeat until all zucchini, ricotta and spinach has been used (mine made 20 ravioli).
Place zucchini in a large oven-proof pan and top with salt and pepper.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Remove from oven and top with tomato sauce or sauce of choice.
Az összes alapanyagot ízlés szerinti arányban és mennyiségben összekeverjük. (Tudom, hogy utálod ezt a meghatározást, de így van :) ) Már kész is!
Elkészítési idő:A céklát jól megmossuk és héjában megfőzzük, majd ha megpuhult, meghámozzuk és kockákra vágjuk. A majonézt, a joghurtot, a zúzott fokhagymát összekeverjük és a céklához adjuk, fűsz...
Elkészítési idő: