2/3 cup flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder, unsweetened
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp butter, room temperature
4 oz apple sauce
1/2 cup yogurt
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 egg
2 tbsp semi sweet chocolate, melted
2 tbsp instant espresso powder mixed in 3 tbsp warm water
cooking spray
your favorite chocolate bar, to shave as toppings, optional
1 1/3 cups heavy cream / whipping cream
4 oz mascarpone
3 tbsp cocoa powder
2/3 cup powdered sugar
1/2 tsp coffee extract (Nielsen – massey is my favorite brand)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pre heat the oven to 350F.
Grease two 6-inch round cake pans with cooking spray. Cut out parchment paper to the diameter of the pans and place them inside the pans. Spray on top of the parchment paper as well.
Add the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, salt and baking powder to the bowl of a stand mixer and mix a little on low speed until just combined.
Now add the butter, yogurt, vanilla extract, egg, espresso and the melted chocolate to it and beat on medium speed until well combined.
Pour this, divided evenly, into both the prepared cake pans. Bake in the oven for 20-25 mins or until a cake tester / toothpick when inserted comes out clean.
Take out and let it cool in the pans over a wire rack.
Now for the icing, clean out the stand mixer bowl and wipe to dry. Add the cream and mascarpone and whisk till they combine. Add the cocoa powder, powdered sugar and the vanilla and coffee extracts and whisk till it forms stiff peaks.
Place one of the cooled cakes on a cake stand. Apply the icing on top of it with a spatula and even out. Place the other cake on top of it and apply the rest of the icing on top of the cake and all around it. Smoothen it out as much as you can.
Shave some chocolate all over the cake, cut and serve!
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