
Coleslaw káposztasaláta


Nehézség: Könnyű


½ head (approximately 1 pound) green cabbage
2 Tbsp Salt
2 medium carrots
½ cup paleo mayo
1 Tbsp Mustard
¼ tsp Turmeric
¼ tsp Paprika
1½ Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
¼ cup chopped fresh dill (or use a scant ¼ cup good quality dried Dill Weed)


1. Slice the cabbage as thinly as you can (I use my Mandoline Slicer set to 1/16” thick). Toss with salt and let sit in a colander in your sink for at least 1 hour (and up to 3 hours; salt a little longer if your cabbage is not sliced as thinly).
2. Rinse the cabbage extremely thoroughly (taste it to make sure you rinsed all the salt off) and let drain (or dry in a Salad Spinner).
3. Grate carrots with a coarse Grater (alternately you can julienne them very finely and salt with the cabbage) and combine with cabbage in a large bowl. Chop dill very finely (the ¼ cup measurement is after chopping).
4. Mix paleo mayo (see recipe here) with mustard, turmeric, paprika, vinegar, and dill. Pour over cabbage and carrots and toss until thoroughly coated. It’s best if you cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving (stir before serving since dressing tends to settle to the bottom of the bowl). Enjoy!

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