
Spiced cod with roasted cauliflower and salsa


Elk. idő: 30
Adag: 2
Nehézség: Könnyű


1 cauliflower head, cored and cut into 2.5cm florets
3 tbsp olive oil
sea salt
1⁄2 tsp paprika
2 x 150g chunky cod fillets, skin on
1 tbsp harissa
150g cherry tomatoes, quartered
juice of 1⁄2 lime
1⁄2 green or red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
2 tbsp chives, chopped


1.Preheat the oven to 220°C, fan 200°C, gas 6. Line a baking tray with a silicone mat or baking paper, put the cauliflower florets on the tray, drizzle over 1 tablespoon oil, season with sea salt and paprika and massage into the florets. Roast for 15 minutes.

2.Meanwhile, season the cod with salt, pepper and the harissa. Rub in with 1 tablespoon oil on both sides of the fish.

3.Once the cauliflower has been in the oven for 15 minutes, turn the oven down to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4. Move the florets to the edges of the tray, place the fish in the centre and return to the oven for 10-12 minutes.

4.To make the salsa, mix the tomatoes with the lime juice, chilli, 1 tablespoon oil and half the chives.

5.Serve the cauliflower topped with the fish and salsa. Scatter over the rest of the chives.

Trükkök, tippek, praktikák:

389cals; 19g fat (3g sat fat); 35g protein; 7g fibre; 16g carbs; 11g total sugars; 0.5g salt

Spiced cod with roasted cauliflower and salsa

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