
Garlic Bread With Coriander And Parmesan


Nehézség: Könnyű


1 loaf of ciabatta bread or a large baguette (2 small)
100g salted butter softened to room temperature
a small handful of coriander leaves finely chopped (about 2 T)
4 cloves of garlic crushed
30g of finely grated Parmesan cheese (an d a bit extra to sprinkle over the loaf)
(a squeeze of lemon juice if desired)


Pre heat the oven to 200 C. Mix all of the above ingredients thoroughly to combine. Slice the bread loaf into desired slices, ensuring that you don’t cut all the way through. I like fairly thick slices. Spread the butter mix fairly generously between all the cut slices, without overdoing it, you don’t want to land up with dripping oil-soaked bread. Sprinkle the extra Parmesan over the bread and wrap in foil. Bake for 20 minutes and then open the foil and bake for a further 5 minutes to brown the loaf. (I left the last step out as the bread I used was already fairly brown and crispy).

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Garlic Bread With Coriander And Parmesan

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