1000grams of mixed dried fruit
-Trader Joe’s Bing Cherries
-Trader Joe’s Jumbo Raisin Medley (whole 454g bag)
-Trader Joe’s Organic Thompson Seedless Raisins
-Trader Joe’s Dried Cranberries Fortified with Cranberry Seed Oil (whole 227g bag
2 apples peeled and chopped small IMG_3342_thumb
1 orange zest and juice
150ml brandy (optional but highly recommended ;)
6 free range organic eggs
250g palm shortening frozen before grating
350g pure maple syrup
175g almond flour/meal
1 tbs. coconut flour (new addition, see outcome below)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. allspice
1 tsp. cinnamon
Handful of chopped prunes
Mix together apples,orange juice and zest, grated palm shortening ( I began hand grating and then decided to shred it in my food processor), beaten eggs, maple syrup in a large bowl.
Add the flour, baking soda, dried fruit and spices
Stir all together adding a the brandy at this point if required!!
Divide into the pudding bowls leaving about an inch from the top in the 1lbs and about 2 inches in the 2lbs, just so they can rise a bit.
Place on the top of the mixture an oiled piece of grease proof, make it bigger than the top, then place the lid on top and seal down.
Place puddings into a pan, add the water so its an inch from the top of the pudding, bring to the boil and simmer for 6hrs, adding more hot water every 20mins or so, you must keep your eye on it
When cooked leave to cool, wipe off any excess fat from the case,it does happen sometimes, re-wrap with greaseproof paper and foil, make a little hand grip with the foil, because you need to simmer it again on the day its to be eaten for about 30mins to serve hot.
(kevesebb olaj is elég!)
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