150g unsalted butter, very soft
75g soft light brown sugar
75g caster sugar
25g dark soft brown sugar
1 medium free-range egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
200g plain flour
½ teaspoon baking powder
A pinch of salt
100g plain chocolate chips
100g milk chocolate chips
1. Line two baking trays with non-stick baking parchment. Preheat the oven to 190/170 fan/gas mark 5.
2. Beat together the butter and the sugars in a large mixing bowl until just combined, using a wooden spoon, or an electric hand-held mixer if you have one.
3. Add the egg and vanilla and stir. Then add the flour and mix in thoroughly too. Finally add the chocolate chips and stir through. The mixture should be sticky and not too stiff. Put the cookie dough in the fridge for 10 minutes before baking.
4. Spoon heaped tablespoons of the mixture onto your prepared baking trays and flatten a little with your hand or the back of a spoon. Your cookies will flatten and spread while they are baking, so leave plenty of room between them.
5. Ask an adult to help you put the cookies into the oven and bake for 8-10 minutes. They will look pale in the middle and golden around the edges. This is what you want.
6. Give the cookies a minute or two on their trays to harden before transferring to a cooling rack (or they will fall apart), then use a palette knife to move them.
STORAGE: These cookies store for up to 7 days in an airtight container - although I will be impressed if you have enough willpower not to eat them on day 1!
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