4 ounces (about 120g) dark chocolate
1 ounce granulated sugar
4 ounces unsalted (or low salt) butter
1 egg
8 ounces (about 240g) 'rich tea' biscuits (simple plain biscuits, in Carrefour these are called Petit Pavesi)
A few drops of vanilla essence
A tiny amount of icing (very fine) sugar
Break the biscuits by hand into a large bowl. Try and get the pieces small, about the size of your fingernail but don't worry too much about it.
Try not to have too many biscuits (i.e. stick to ~ 240g of biscuits), otherwise it can make the final mixture a little too dry.
Begin melting the chocolate slowly. High grade 47% cocoa Carrefour dark chocolate is fine; more expensive chocolate like Lindt has a strong taste and that can be a little too much.
Melt the butter separately, add in the sugar and whisk them together with a fork. Ideally the sugar would dissolve a little in the butter.
Beat the egg with a fork, and then add a couple of drops of vanilla essence into it. Then;
Add the melted butter and sugar mix to the melted chocolate, and mix them together gently.
Add the egg/vanilla essence slowly to the butter and chocolate mix, and stir as you do so to get a good mix.
When its all mixed nicely, add this into the bowl of broken biscuits, stirring as you do. Take your time, it'll take a few minutes, the aim is to get the bisucits mixed nicely with the choc/butter/egg etc mix.
When everything looks brown and nicely mixed, put the mix into a baking tin or something similar. Try to pick a tin which will give you the shape you want.
Before using this tin, I usually ruba little butter on the inside of it, and then line it with tin foil, and then add the mixture.
Pack in the mixture into the tin using a spoon or something, to try and make it look pretty even (level) on top.
When you have done this, wrap the tin in a bag, and put in the freezer for a few hours, and let it go completely solid.
Then preferably a couple of hours before you want to serve it, take it out of the freezer, leave the tin in hot water for a couple of minutes. The butter you used to line the tin will melt, and thus makes it easy to get the cake out of the tin.
Turn the cake upside down on a plate, remove the tin foil, sprinkle the cake with a little icing sugar.
When it has thawed out, but is still cold, its perfect to serve.
Enjoy!! :o)
And pleeease keep it secret until you are asked by someone nice whom really likes it! There are a lot of similar recipes on the internet. However they usually either (a) make it too complicated by adding lots of unnecessary sugary stuff, or (b) use the wrong biscuits.
Take care, and hopefully see you around,
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